Clarence Valley Anglican School offers the opportunity for scholarships to both current and prospective students.
Scholarships are available in several categories:
Academic Scholarships
General Excellence Scholarships
Community Based Scholarships
Cathedral Scholarships (see below)
Please visit the Scholarships page on the CVAS website for more complete information about the full array of scholarships that are available at the present time.
Cathedral families are encouraged to contact the School at any time to discuss the benefits for their children of enrolling with Clarence Valley Anglican School and the financial assistance that may be available to them under the Cathedral Scholarships program.
For the purposes of these scholarships, a "Cathedral family" is a family where the children or their parents or their grandparents are actively involved in the life of the Cathedral, whether as worshippers, choristers, musicians, servers or as volunteers in some aspect of the mission of the Cathedral. The Dean of the Cathedral will confirm with the School whether a particular child is eligible for consideration of a Cathedral Scholarship.
Cathedral Scholarships
Cathedral Scholarships are available for students entering any year at any time with an emphasis on entry level years of Kindergarten and Year 7 and will primarily comprise of children whose families demonstrate an active connection with the Cathedral and Diocese.
The aim of the Cathedral Scholarships is to encourage student and family engagement with both the Anglican Church and CVAS.
Students nominated will be required to formally accept the nomination and make an application. Applications will include completion of the CVAS Scholarship Application form, an introductory letter (age cognisant) in the applicant’s own handwriting, stating why they would like to attend CVAS and why they make a worthy candidate for a Cathedral Scholarship. Assistance with the application process will normally be provided by the Dean of Grafton Cathedral and all private information is to be treated with respect and strict confidentiality.
Cathedral Scholarships will incur a maximum 50% fee discount dependent upon the individual student’s family circumstances and level of involvement as recommended by the Dean of the Cathedral.