Holy days and holidays

Holy Days and Holidays
There are lots more resources to be added here over time, and we shall highlight selected items each month with messages to parents with young children and teenagers.
This coming Sunday we start a new church year and begin the countdown to Christmas during the season of Advent.
There are lots of ways to observe Advent as a family, including the traditional Advent calendar—with or without the chocolate behind each door. The Dayspring website has lots of ideas and you might find that one or two them really work for you.
And don't forget to join us for the annual Carols and Lesson at the Cathedral on the Third Sunday of Advent as well as the Christmas for Families service at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve.
Be sure to download the Cathedral app (and select "Children and Families" as a news category under notifications) so you can get these messages.

Bookmark this page and come back to check our growing collection of resources for shaping families where faith makes a difference ...