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Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation







Baptism Eucharist  Confirmation













There are lots more resources to be added here over time, and we shall highlight selected items each month with messages to parents with young children and teenagers.


Be sure to download the Cathedral app (and select "Children and Families" as a news category under notifications) so you can get these messages.



The sacraments of the Church are special rituals in which we claim God's blessing for ourselves or—in the case of Baptism—for our children.


There are seven traditional sacraments and at least four of them are especially relevant to families:







Holy Unction (anointing with holy oil for healing)
Ordination (Deacons, Priests and Bishops)


The Christian spiritual tradition includes many other sacred rituals including Bible reading, meditation, prayer, icons, candles, incense, fasting, and 'body prayers' such as the labyrinth.


On this page we focus just on those sacraments which are especially relevant to families and children.





#How2Charist | Digital Instructed Eucharist

A set of 4 brief videos with step-by-step explanations of that is happening in a Eucharist and what the various actions, symbols and words mean. Free to use but requires your email address to access the videos.

Highly recommended.




Bookmark this page and come back to check our growing collection of resources for shaping families where faith makes a difference ...



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