LENT, the period of 40 days prior to Easter, is a time when people like to make an extra effort to improve our personal spiritual disciplines.
This is part of the on-going process of continual conversion as we seek to become more like Christ in every aspect of our lives, as individuals, as families, and as an intentional faith community.

This year we are offering two opportunities for people to deepen their knowledge of Jesus and his context in first-century Galilee, through a study of the first four chapter of the book, Jesus Then and Jesus Now, written by Dean Greg Jenks.
Ch. 1: Looking for Jesus
Ch. 2: Among the Villages of Galilee
Ch. 3: Whose Head is on the Coin?
Ch. 4: One of the Prophets
Copies of the early chapters of the book will be proved to participants at no cost, along with a printed copy of the study guide—which is already available online.
There will be two sessions offered at the Cathedral each week:
Tuesday evenings, 6.00–7.30pm. Please bring a plate of food to share informally during the conversation.
Wednesday mornings, after the weekly 10.00am service.
The study sessions will be led by Dean Greg Jenks, who is very familiar with the Galilee today as well as with its history in the time of Jesus. Dr Jenks is a co-director for the Bethsaida Archaeology Project on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, and also serves as the Coin Curator for the project. He has led many groups of pilgrims and students to the holy sites around the lake and across the Galilee. He is especially fond of Nazareth, which he describes as his other home, and has made the study of Nazareth in the first century a special focus of his own research.
Not in Grafton?
Unable to make it to either of the regular sessions?
Not a problem.
Simply download the Study Guide from the book web site, and send us an email so that we can provide you with a PDF that has the Introduction as well as the first four chapters of the book. We will facilitate an online discussion of the material each week on the Cathedral Facebook page, so feel free to join us online. Better still, form a local study group with friends and you can all join us online!