An extract from the Dean's sermon for Earth Sunday, 22 April 2018.

We are children of Earth, fashioned from the Earth by the creative invitation of God.
More than that, God has assumed Earthliness through the incarnation.
If we affirm that God was present in Jesus, then we must also affirm that God has entered into Earth, and not simply into humanity.
Some of our most creative theologians in the past few decades have encouraged us to think of Earth as the Body of God.
We easily speak of the God ‘in whom we live and move and have our being’.
As Earthlings all of us, we can also affirm that in Earth we encounter a continuing (eternal) expression of Emmanuel, God with us; indeed, God as one of us. God as Earthling.
The full text of this sermon, with a link to the video, can be found on the Dean's blog.