An extract from a sermon by the Dean of Grafton on Sunday, 5 January 2020; the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord Jesus.
So here we are celebrating this ancient legend as we wrap up our Christmas and as our Orthodox friends prepare to start their own celebrations.
And our country is on fire!
Are we just playing holy games inside the Cathedral to make us all feel better about a world which is a real mess and our lives which are far from perfect, or are we dealing with spiritual wisdom that is not only relevant to everyday life but has the power transform how we deal with reality?
Most people in town—and maybe most of our family and friends—think we are playing harmless religious games, but I hope we have a sense that the faith we share has the power to change the world.
It did so in the past.
Repeatedly. And it still has that capacity.
The full text of this sermon together with video may be found online.