200405 User Guide to Holy Week (2020)
200301 The Sermon on the Mount
200202 Introduction to the Year of Matthew
191006 Faith-based responses to climate change
190602 Compassionate Grafton
181111 Intentional Discipleship
190407 Guide to Holy Week
181104 Marks of Mission
180916 Disciples of Jesus
180909 Anglican Christianity
190707 History, Imagination & Meaning
190203 Introduction to the Year of Luke
180923 The Bible
180826 – Excavating St Paul
180819 – Excavating the Gospels, 2
180812 – Excavating the Gospels, 1
180624 – Justice, Reconciliation and Peace in the Holy Land
180610 – Excavating the Lord's Prayer
180603 – Reconciliation as Mission (Lenore Parker)
180513 – Nazareth in the First Century
180506 – Mapping the Holy Land
180422 10 Key Dates in the Bible (New Testament)
18041510 Key Dates in the Bible (Old Testament)